miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020



by Erik Rogelio Flores vazquez 

Context, place, date and historical data.

The 1968 student movement was a social movement, in which in addition to Students from the UNAM and IPN participated, teachers, intellectuals, lovers of house, workers and professionals in Mexico City, and which was repressed by the Mexican government through the Tlatelolco massacre that occurred on 2 October 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas.


  • The genocide was committed against a peaceful demonstration by the Mexican Army and the paramilitary group Olimpia Battalion forged by the Mexican government against the National Strike Council, the movement's leading body.
  • This conflict began on July 22 with a fight between students (IPN, UNAM and more schools).
  • The government of Mexico was interested in the image of our country being of peace and cordiality, since the entire Mexican political system went to amazing lengths, controlling all the media very well, because the government wanted to pretend that nothing was happening. and promoted the 68 Olympics with much more zeal.
  • The illuminated advertisements showed the Olympic rings very close to the dove of peace, while hundreds of students were detained, beaten, abused, imprisoned and in many cases killed and / or simply disappeared.
  • On the afternoon of October 2, a day after the army left the UNAM and IPN campuses, miles of students and workers, many of them with their wives and children, gathered in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco
  • They opened fire on the protesters and the military who were guarding the place, and at that precise moment the shooting began, the latter was a strategy of this paramilitary group created by the Mexican government to infiltrate and detain the protesters and make believe that the students they were the aggressors.
  • The military, in their attempt to defend themselves, repelled "the aggression of the students", but in the face of confusion, the shots were not directed at their attackers, but at the crowd of protesters who were in the Plaza de Tlatelolco, soon a mass of bodies covered the entire surface of the plaza.

Process of deindividualization

Fight between students of Vocational 2 and the private high school Isaac Ochoterena, in the Citadel, what that the rivalry between the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and the high schools incorporated into the National Autonomous University of Mexico was revealed

Progress or results from the movement.

  • The massacre demonstrated that in Mexico "one did not live in peace" and that "freedom was very relative,"  As a result, "the opposition began to strengthen and the government was forced to promote electoral reforms"
  • The movement "helped the country begin to democratize and that, later, there was a political alternation", which took shape in 2000, with the first presidential defeat of the hegemonic Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
  • Represión Social en el '68 fue un Crimen de Estado - Punto por punto


We are in a country which has been very hard so the movement "helped the country to begin to democratize and that, later on, there was a political alternation.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020



By Flores Vazquez Erik Rogelio

En la empresa Bayon se encontraba trabajando Alan en área de recibo, el es un excelente trabajador y no tenía ningún problema con sus compañeras de trabajo, el hecho de que fuera el único hombre no afectaba sus actividades dentro de la empresa.
Un día Alan al llegar al trabajo se entero de un gran chisme, del cual sus compañeras de trabajo no dejaban de hablar. Ellas decían que su compañera Laura que trabajaba en el área de intendencia había descubierto la infidelidad de su marido y estaba tramitando el divorcio, en ese momento Alan no le tomo importancia pues no pensaba que le afectaría posteriormente.
Pasaron los días y Alan notó que su compañera Laura lo trataba de manera distinta y que se portaba de manera grosera, así que Alan le preguntó a sus demás compañeras que si sabían algo al respecto a lo que ellas contestaron que Laura a consecuencia de su divorcio les decía que odiaba a los hombres y que el hecho de que Alan trabajara ahí le ocasionaba un conflicto.
Un día Alan se encontraba acomodando la mercancía en el almacén y Laura que se encontraba limpiando en esa área solo lo miraba. Al día siguiente las compañeras de Alan le informaron que Laura estaba diciendo que él había desacomodado las mercancías del almacén, y que ella lo tuvo que acomodar.

Alan al enterarse de la situación fue a hablar con su jefa sobre los rumores ocasionados por Laura y sobre el conflicto que le generaba que Laura divulgará falsas acciones que según había hecho él.
La jefa habló con Laura y le dijo que no est/aba bien lo que había hecho, le puso una sanción y Laura se tuvo que disculpar con Alan.


In this news we have a problem since two parties are involved that are Laura and Alan in which it begins when she finds out that her husband was unfaithful and says she hates all men, which in her work as a company with workers Women and a man start treating him differently and badly, doing several actions in his work that harms him.
Alan realized he told his boss and she sanctioned Laura that she was doing things wrong and she apologized, thanks to this gesture there was no conflict.
Resultado de imagen de CONFLICTO


Since it was caused by strong negative emotions of Laura who had problems with her husband which achieved false persecutions or stereotypes of the men and she had negative behaviors and with no communication with Alan.
Resultado de imagen de conflicto de relacion


It is a conflict between actors which is classified as primary (laura y Alan )actors who are those who are directly with the conflict, and as secondary actors (Head of the company) who are those who participate indirectly.
Resultado de imagen de conflict RELACIOSHIP


opposition, potential or incompatibility.
cognition and perzonalization



It is important to know a problem and conflict to be able to detect in the case of one, knowing the type of problem or conflict, the actors and the stages in which it is and to have a solution before it becomes more serious.
Resultado de imagen de conflicto solucion

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020


By Erik Rogelio Flores Vazquez 


It is important to know the types of conflicts that surround us, since knowing its meaning we will know how to differentiate each one of them and give solution.

Having as objective the coexistence in harmony of the society and guaranteeing the security of all the individuals.
Resultado de imagen de conflict

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Sample Entry

           Problem and Conflict
By Erik Rogelio Flores Vazquez

1-What would you say is biggest diference between a problem and conflict ?
El problema comienza desde que dos o mas partes (personas ) están involucradas en una situación mala o no favorable en el cual debe haber una solucion y el conflicto comienza cuando las partes involucradas hay una rivalidad mas entre estas .

2- what are the most common conflicts at the work place or company ?
Los conflictos mas comunes dentro de una empresas se originan desde aquellos empleados que no están acostumbrados al trabajo de equipos y el cambio de ideas o modificaciones , en el cual no se adaptan a recibir opiniones .

3-why is the revelant to be skillful at negotiation ?
Para lograr una solucion rapida y eficaz para llegar a la mejor solucion al problema antes de que este se vuelva un conflicto .
Resultado de imagen de workplace conflict


It is very important to have the ability to negotiate to avoid problems in everyday life, at work ect ... avoiding that an easy problem to solve will become a conflict and be difficult to correct.

 Resultado de imagen de workplace conflict